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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Soares, Tania
JFHQ-Army SFC Lifetime
Denton, Kenneth
JFHQ-Army SFC Lifetime
Mercado, Angelica
JFHQ-Army SSG Lifetime
Panaikas, Paul
JFHQ-Army SFC Lifetime
Dreher, Kristine
JFHQ-Army SFC Lifetime
DeCecco, Glen
JFHQ-Army CSM Lifetime
Lawrence, Robert
JFHQ-Army SFC Auto-Renewing
natale, costantino
JFHQ-Army MSG Lifetime
Brady, Michael
Recruiting and Retention Command CMSgt Lifetime
Recruiting and Retention Command SFC Lifetime
Hines, Claude
Recruiting and Retention Command MSG Lifetime
Tarango-Dull, Rebeca
Recruiting and Retention Command SGT Auto-Renewing
Parent, Dennis
Recruiting and Retention Command SFC Lifetime
Batista, Camilo
Recruiting and Retention Command SFC Lifetime
Mansfield Jr., Dean
Recruiting and Retention Command CSM Lifetime
Retiree Lifetime
Difranco, Jon
Retiree TSgt Lifetime
Retiree COL Lifetime
Burmeister, Richard
Retiree MSG Lifetime
Colacone, Dennis
Retiree MSgt Auto-Renewing
Urquhart, Robert
Retiree LTC Lifetime
Buckley Jr, James
Retiree SFC Auto-Renewing
Smith, Jayson
RI Medical Command SSG Lifetime
Louth, Ryan
RI Medical Command SGT Auto-Renewing
Couture, Dean
RI Medical Command SFC Lifetime

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