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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Comolli, christene
Unassigned Civilian Lifetime
Dreher, Kristine
JFHQ-Army SFC Lifetime
Bross, Dylan
HHD 1/103d FA SPC Lifetime
Panaikas, Paul
JFHQ-Army SFC Lifetime
Mercado, Angelica
JFHQ-Army SSG Lifetime
Masso, Jessica
143D Operations Support Squadron TSgt Lifetime
Batista, Camilo
Recruiting and Retention Command SFC Lifetime
SMSgt Lifetime
natale, costantino
JFHQ-Army MSG Lifetime
Lawrence, Robert
JFHQ-Army SFC Auto-Renewing
Reed, Michael
143D Logistics Readiness Squadron SSgt Auto-Renewing
Moniz, Carlos
143d Maintenance Squadron CMSgt Auto-Renewing
DeCecco, Glen
JFHQ-Army CSM Lifetime
Robitaille, Brian
143D Mission Support Group CMSgt Lifetime
Cordeiro, Brian
115th Military Police Company SGT Lifetime
Mansfield Jr., Dean
Recruiting and Retention Command CSM Lifetime
Heroux, Michael
169th Military Police Company SFC Lifetime
Blouin, Jason
243d Regional Training Institude MSG Lifetime
Messina, Linda
143D Civil Engineer Squadron Civilian Lifetime
Normandin, Albert
A 1/182nd IN SFC Lifetime
Wong, michael
SPEC OPS DET - Global CSM Lifetime
Lancey, Brian
JFHQ-Army MSG Lifetime
Vingi, Michael
861st Engineer SFC Auto-Renewing
Banville, John
RI Medical Command SPC Lifetime
Madjoucoff, Theodore
D 1/126th AV 1SG Lifetime

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