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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Leiendeckerdecker, Todd
SPEC OPS DET - Global SFC Lifetime
Lagor, Kristopher
169th Military Police Company SFC Lifetime
Sharkey, Callum
143D Aircraft Maintenance Squadron SSgt Lifetime
Kollett, Nicholas
JFHQ-Air CMSgt Lifetime
Stenmark, Keith
169th Military Police Company 1SG Lifetime
Kane, Amy
JFHQ-Army SFC Lifetime
Speck, Ryan
143D Logistics Readiness Squadron TSgt Auto-Renewing
Salas, Yronelis
JFHQ-Army SSG Lifetime
Morales, Maria
JFHQ-Army SSG Lifetime
Burmeister, Erik
SPEC OPS DET - Global SFC Lifetime
Hines, Claude
Recruiting and Retention Command MSG Lifetime
Hall, Clarke
HHD 118th MP CSM Lifetime
Recruiting and Retention Command SFC Lifetime
Calouro, Thomas
CSM Lifetime
Giorgi, James
1SG Lifetime
Peppe, Nicky
HHC, 1/126 AV CSM Lifetime
viens, ray
Unassigned CSM Lifetime
Smith, Jayson
RI Medical Command SSG Lifetime
Miller, Janeen
143D Communications Flight SMSgt Auto-Renewing
Sarli, Kevin
143D Logistics Readiness Squadron CMSgt Lifetime
Dyer, Christopher
HHD, 56 TC Command CSM Lifetime
Bardsley, Christiana
143D Operations Support Squadron SSgt Lifetime
Bryan, Samuel
243d Regional Training Institude SSG Auto-Renewing
Ruiz, William
143D Communications Flight TSgt Lifetime
Lapierre, Zachary
C 1/143d AIR SSG Auto-Renewing

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